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Hungry Girl Today: 3.28.12

Hi HG,

I've been getting your daily emails for a few years now, and I have all of your books -- LOVE everything you write, but it's still not enough HG for me. Where else can I find you?

Hungry for More Hungry Girl

Hi Hungry,

Thanks for the love! I'm always branching out into new territory -- trying to find other ways to connect with fans, reach new ones, and share even more info.

I love social media, and I'm constantly posting updates, info, and photos on Facebook and Twitter. Both are great resources for getting quick feedback from HG fans on new recipes, products to try, and more. In addition to writing about food stuff, I also post random personal things... like what I'm watching on TV while treadmilling, my star sightings on airplanes, and pics of my cat, Jackson. Click here to "Like" me on Facebook, and to follow me on Twitter, click here.

More recently, I joined Pinterest, which is really cool. It's a virtual pinboard where I've been sharing everything I love -- from HG recipes to pop-culture news. It's also fun to see who's "pinning" HG stuff and what else they're pinning. We actually have an email of Pinterest-inspired, HG-ified recipes coming up tomorrow (Thursday, 3/29). Be on the lookout! I'm now on Instagram too because I love taking photos, especially of the food I'm eating. My username on Pinterest and on Instagram is HungryGirlLisa.

Also on the Web, I write a weekly column for Weight Watchers called "Hungry Girl Goes...". Each week I'm off in search of something new -- from theme park snacks to holiday party picks. These features are like mini survival guides, and you don't have to be a Weight Watchers member to read them! I also write for Yahoo every other week about all things guilt-free, and you can now find official HG recipes on Calorie Count.

In print, I write a monthly column, "Hungry Girl's Food Fix," for Redbook. In the April issue (on stands now), it's all about food fakers -- foods that seem low-cal but really aren't -- in honor of April Fools' Day. And you can read everything online for free! I also regularly contribute recipes to Woman's World.

Hope I've given you enough options to get your Hungry Girl fix. Enjoy! P.S. You can also find me on your TV screen every weekend -- Hungry Girl airs on both Food Network and Cooking Channel. Tune in!

Dear Hungry Girl,

I've tried a lot of low-calorie and low-fat recipes over the years, and I was always shocked at how small the portions were. No wonder they're light -- there's not much food there! So I'm wondering, can you give me some of your "best bang for your calorie buck" recipes?

Big Bang Barb

Hi Barb,

I'm with you on this one! I'm obsessed with making recipes that stretch your calories as far as humanly possible. Prepare for huge portion sizes with these picks...

Spaghetti squash is large, ridiculously low in calories, and a good source of fiber, which makes it a perfect ingredient for creating super-sized recipes, like this tremendous one. Here are two more gigantic squash recipes. Tofu shirataki noodles are the same way -- big servings, like this satisfying stir-fry and this recipe for veggie lo mein. You can have THREE CUPS of that lo mein for 260 calories! Even our onion rings and French fries have huge serving sizes and small calorie counts.

Definitely check out the show page for the "Ginormous Food" episode of Hungry Girl. You'll find TV-famous recipes with some of the largest serving sizes around, including a giant swap for an ice cream sandwich and an enormous oatmeal parfait. BTW, that episode just so happens to be airing on Cooking Channel THIS SATURDAY (3/31) at 10:30am ET/7:30am PT. So tune in or set your DVR. It's almost like I planned it for you...

There's also an episode of the show all about "Big Sandwiches" -- another great roundup of huge recipes, like this oversized portabella mushroom sandwich. And from season one, "Fill' Er Up!" features recipes large enough to satisfy competitive eater Joey Chestnut, like this gigantic fruit salad with a surprising ingredient. All of the recipes from the show are available online, so browse around!

See, I've got you covered :)

For links in this email, please go to:

Today, March 28th, is National Something on a Stick Day. Click here for more stick-bound food finds, restaurant picks, and recipes than you can shake a... you know... at.

Have a question for Hungry Girl? Send it in! She answers two new Qs each week (but cannot respond to emails personally).
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*The PointsPlus® and SmartPoints® values for these products and/or recipes were calculated by Hungry Girl and are not an endorsement or approval of the product, recipe, or its manufacturer or developer by Weight Watchers International, Inc., the owner of the PointsPlus® registered trademark and SmartPoints® trademark. For more info on the new PointsPlus® program, visit

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