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Hungry Girl Today: 6.20.12

Hi HG,

My husband and I love to eat at seafood restaurants, but now that I'm trying to lose weight, I have no idea what's "safe" to order. Help me, Hungry Girl!

Fishin' for Facts

Hi Fishin',

You're in luck! There are SO many guilt-free options at seafood restaurants. But you can easily take in too many calories if you're not careful. So read up and learn things before you order...

To start, avoid the bread basket, for the most part. (Those cheddar biscuits at Red Lobster are addictive and have 150 calories and 8g fat each!) But if you've gotta have something from it, go for oyster crackers -- only about 60 calories and 1.5g fat per half-ounce (about 15 crackers or a small pack).

There are usually some great light appetizers to choose from: Steamed mussels, steamed clams, and shrimp cocktail are all smart choices. Broth-based soup is another great way to start your meal -- studies show that you'll eat fewer calories overall if you start with soup. And of course, a side salad with low-fat or fat-free dressing is a good pick... but avoid the dressing-soaked Caesar side salad. (You know this!) Crispy calamari and coconut shrimp are bad news; they're usually deep fried, and coconut shrimp typically comes with a fattening, creamy dipping sauce.

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