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Hungry Girl Today: 05.02.07


Dear Hungry Girl,

Would you be willing to share the types of foods that you eat on a daily
basis? I'm talking about the staple foods in your life -- not the occasional
snack foods. Thanks!

Curious in California

Dear Curious,

Sure thing. I'm actually sort of boring when it comes to my staples. Here's a
list of what I eat on a regular basis -- I'm about to start rattling, just a
warning. I eat lots of protein -- like turkey, chicken, egg whites, veggie
burger patties, fish (tons of sushi with as little rice as possible), and steak
(once in a while). I love to eat salads with a LOT of veggies, low-fat cheeses
and a small amount of low-fat dressing (or none at all, I'm not a huge fan of
dressing). I LOVE soups (all year long -- some HG recipes and others from
Amy's, Progresso, etc.). I also eat Tofu Shirataki noodles regularly and TONS
of fruit (apples and oranges all the time!). Fiber One is a staple, as is
Unsweetened Vanilla Almond Breeze. I also drink plenty of water. Only very
rarely do I eat regular pasta, bread or rice (other than what I have with my
sushi). For the most part, I am more of a protein-lover than a snack-foods-
lover -- so you're more likely to catch me snacking on a veggie burger patty
or turkey slices than a snack bar or low-fat chips. I do break down and have
other foods I LOOOOOVE every now and then (a slice of pizza, BBQ, etc.),
but for the most part I follow the 80/20 rule -- mostly healthy stuff with a few
treats now and then -- so I don't stray from my staples too much.

For links please go to:

Dear Hungry Girl,

I love cooking with zero-calorie, fat-free cooking spray. Are there really no
calories or fat in that whole can?

Perplexed About PAM

Dear Perplexed,

If there are only trace amounts of calories (less than 5) and fat (less than
0.5g) in each tiny serving of something, a company is allowed to say their
product has zero calories and is fat-free. The problem? There are a whopping
350 - 650+ servings in one can of cooking spray (depending on the size and
brand)! And each of those "servings" translates into a frighteningly quick 1/3
or 1/2 of a second spritz. Who on Earth uses so little spray (or even has
good enough reflexes to spray that quickly)? The truth is that there are about
5 - 10 calories and 0.5 - 1g fat per 1-second spray in most "calorie-
free", "fat-free" cooking sprays (PAM even states this on their website). I
estimate that the typical spray-time required to lightly, but thoroughly, coat a
pan is around 2 seconds. That still adds up 20 calories and 2 fat grams, at
most (much, much less than what you'd be taking in if you used regular
cooking oil). The problem, though, is that people think nonstick cooking
spray is absolutely calorie-free and fat-free and practically drench their pans,
skillets and foil with the stuff. Try not to fall into that trap. Stick with the
spray, but use it sparingly. Pssst...the same goes for I Can't Believe It's Not
Butter! spray.


HG REMINDER! If you placed an order for an HG tumbler two weeks ago
when we had our sale, your orders are being processed. As promised, they
will be delivered 4-6 weeks from when they were ordered.

Chew on This:
May is National Egg Month. Wanna celebrate? Whip up some of HG's Eggs

Have a question for Hungry Girl? Send it in! She answers two new Qs each
week (but cannot respond to emails personally).

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