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HG LOVES the New BOCA Breakfast Wraps!

Fast! Fiber! Fantastic!

Protein, whole grain and iron in every bite.



Hungry Girl Today: 05.21.07


Spotted On Shelves!

Weight Watchers Snack Cakes in Caramel - Yes we know these 90-calorie,
3g-of-fat cakes are super-itty-bitty, but they're too good to pass up (they
have caramel frosting and everything!). Try 'em frozen, straight out of the
box or with Cool Whip Free. They're a 1-Point party in your face!!! (Pssst...
Click here for a coupon!)

South Beach Diet Wraps - What's more fun than wrapping stuff up in high-
fiber tortillas? Uuuuhhh, pretty much nothing (except for maybe watching the
American Idol finale on a huuuge screen -- that's pretty fun!). These new
tortillas are JAMMED with fiber and have 90 - 110 calories and 1 - 2 Points
each (depending on the size). Not bad! Find 'em in these three varieties:
Multi-Grain, Whole Wheat, and Garlic, Rosemary & Herb Multi-Grain. They're
chewy and dee-licious!

Fruity Cheerios - If you dig another fruity round cereal that a kooky bird
pushes (yes, we mean Froot Loops), you may also be interested in these
beauteous O-shaped things from General Mills. They're an excellent source
of whole grain, are flavored with real fruit juice and have 25% less sugar
than the leading fruity cereal. The nutritionals aren't bad either: 100 calories,
1g fat and 2g fiber per 3/4-cup serving (2 Points). Oh, and they turn funky
and neon-ish when splashed with milk!

For links please go to:

Veggie-rific News!

Well, we wrote about Wish-Bone's "What's Your Salad Style?"
contest and guess what?! One of the grand-prize winners was a Hungry Girl
subscriber! The lucky lady was none other than Susan from Connecticut,
whose super yummy salad, "Red Hot Mama", was featured in the show. HG
staffers were on hand to congratulate her, get spritzed on (with Wish-Bone
Salad Spritzers!) by models dressed like salads and share in all the wacky
fun! Sounds like everyone had a BLAST! Your key takeaway here is this: HG
SUBSCRIBERS WIN STUFF. So enter the contests we feature! (Ooooh --
here are some now -- Morningstar Farms' Veggies Creations contests.
Click to find out how to enter!)


Cool Stuff We Found!

GushyGrams - Long story short: A super-awesome HG subscriber named
Tina sent us a GushyGram that featured her own head and HG's head in an
animated cartoon greeting and we FLIPPED. 46 GushyGrams later we were
STILL giggling our faces off and having fun. You MUST check out this super-
easy-to-use, insanely adorable and creative site that allows you to pop your
own head and the heads of your friends and family into animated e-
greetings. Pssst... There's an official Hungry Girl GushyGram on the way (it
may take a few months -- be patient!). In the meantime, click here to see a
GushyGram that features Hungry Girl in both real life and animated form!


FunSlides Carpet Skates - Looking for ways to get your exercise in at the
office? Instead of emailing (which burns very few calories), strap on a pair
of carpet sliders and "skate" on down the hall to deliver your documents.
Practice all your fancy ice-skating moves! Wow your boss! Just remember
to wear your protective gear. Oh, and kiss any friends you had in the
workplace goodbye. (Click here for a picture that will explain why.)


The Buzz...

Starbucks Alert!!! If you dig orange 'n vanilla, you will FLIP over the brand-
new-for-summer Orange Creme Frappuccino at The Bucks. Order it with the
LIGHT Frappuccino base and leave off the whip, and a "Tall" will clock in at
just 110 calories and 0g fat (2 Points). Hooray! ***Whole grains continue to
get good press. A new report states that people who eat 2.5 daily servings
of whole grains are about one-fifth less likely to have heart disease than
those who don't chow down on whole grains. Click for more info. ***Hint
Water got a makeover! Check out the new bottles this delicious, fruity-but-
not-sweet-at-all water comes in. They're pretty! ***Good news for the lazy
and the super-busy. A new study shows that it may take as little as 72
minutes of moderate exercise A WEEK to improve aerobic fitness. When it
comes to exercise, even a little is good. That's all we've got. HG out!

For links please go to:


Hey! This is International Pickle Week. Celebrate by chewing pickles of all
nations. Weeeee!

Face it -- this news is too exciting to keep to yourself. Click "send to a friend"
NOW and share it with EVERYONE!!!


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