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Hungry Girl Today: 05.23.07

Dear HG,

I see that many of your recipes and food finds are high in sodium. And some
are super-high in sugar. How can you call these healthy?

Curious in California

Dear Curious,

I'm going to be completely honest here. Very rarely do I label Hungry Girl
food finds and recipes "healthy". I do this not only because a) I'm not
qualified to make that claim (I am not a nutritionist, doctor or dietitian), but
also since b) Hungry Girl is not a health site. Sometimes people confuse what
Hungry Girl does with what nutrition professionals do. But HG's focus is NOT
health or nutrition. HG is about real-world eating strategies. It is for the
masses. Hungry Girl as a whole isn't really for vegans, strict organic food
eaters, or the extremely health conscious. The main focus of the recipes and
food recommendations you see here is on calories, fat and taste. HG also
features high-fiber foods, because they're filling. In general, Hungry Girl
helps people make smarter decisions when it comes to eating foods they
crave. Another thing people should know: Not everything I write about
pertains to everyone. If you are a serious sodium counter, then many of the
foods and recipes here won't pertain to you. If you count carbs or sugar, you
might run into the same issue. But there ARE low-sodium, low-sugar and low-
carb recipes and food finds featured in HG emails from time to time. And
when we find organic, vegan or all-natural products that taste great and are
low in fat and calories, we're thrilled to feature them. I encourage readers to
take whatever info they find valuable from Hungry Girl and use it -- and
leave the other stuff for people who find that info valuable. My desire is that
there be something for everyone here. Hope that clears things up.

Hi, Hungry!

I LOVE Rice Krispies Treats! But when I make them I want to eat at least half
the pan myself! So I rarely make them. But I LOVE them! Do you have a
recipe? Or a portion control idea? How do you handle similar issues?

Treat Girl

Hey, Treat Girl!

For starters, I want to say that I agree with your decision to not make Rice
Krispies Treats too often if you tend to eat half the pan. I'm the same way. If
I know I'll overeat a certain food, I try my hardest to avoid it -- even if I
love it. It's safer that way. That's why I find myself giving away a lot of the
chip and cookie snacks that come my way. We get an average of 10 - 15
boxes of food sent to the HG office each week, and most of the time I feel
like eating EVERYTHING. Of course I DON'T do that, but every day is a
challenge. I do, however, taste pretty much everything (except for when
food companies mistakenly send us super-high-cal stuff not realizing what
HG is about -- I try to give that stuff away immediately). Ok, now on to your
other Qs. We do have a great recipe swap for Rice Krispies Treats. You can
find it here. As for a portion control idea -- your best bet would be to slice
the batch into portions and wrap each treat individually. Never EVER eat
them straight from the pan. EVER. If you do you are almost guaranteed to
overeat, so definitely avoid standing over the pan and nibbling! If your treats
are wrapped, you'll be less likely to eat too many of them. That's a little trick
that seems to work for me. Good luck -- hope you like the recipe! (FYI, you
can also find boxes of individually wrapped Rice Krispies Treats at the
market -- they have about 90 calories each!)


Coming Up: This Friday, May 25th, is National Brown-Bag-It Day! So start
thinking about a fun guilt-free lunch to pack!

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VitaTop offer -- and remember to use coupon code: HGCHIP when ordering!

Have a question for Hungry Girl? Send it in! She answers two new Qs each
week (but cannot respond to emails personally).

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