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Hungry Girl Today: 6.04.10

Back by popular demand, it's DIET-MYTH MANIA! How well will YOU do on our

little Q&A? Time to find out...

TRUE OR FALSE? Your TV may be the reason you're putting on pounds or not

losing weight.

True! Okay, unless your television is actually feeding you Funyuns, it's

not LITERALLY causing the numbers on the scale to go up. But excessive TV

viewing has been undeniably linked to increased odds of obesity. Need

proof? A variety of experts joined forces for a huge six-year study -- more

than 12,000 people from all over the country participated. Those who

watched the most TV clearly engaged in less physical activity and had

poorer diets than those with low TV exposure. Plus, participants with high

exposure to TV had a 43 percent greater chance of being overweight. Even

those who watched a moderate amount of TV were 22 percent more likely to


overweight. The takeaway? Don't be lazy and get sucked in by hours of TV

viewing while mindlessly munching on snacks! Limit your tube time to the

shows you really love. Or do what we do while watching television -- hop on

the treadmill so you can keep your heart rate up and the snacking down! No

treadmill? No problem. Walk in place, straighten up your TV room, do some

cardio during commercial breaks... Whatever. Just get off your butt!

POSSIBLE OR IMPROBABLE? Your workouts could be triggering your weight


Possible! We're NOT saying you should avoid exercise in order to lose

weight. (Sorry, lazy people!) But the truth is this: Research shows that

people grossly overestimate how many calories they burn during exercise.

Not only that, but physical activity often makes people hungry. And since

we tend to think we've burned more calories than we really have, we can end

up consuming MORE calories than we've burned. Remember, it all comes


to calories consumed versus calories burned. So don't use a workout as an

excuse to pig out. Be realistic about how many calories you are really

burning while exercising. Use the data provided on cardio machines (don't

forget to enter your weight, age, etc., and no fudging the numbers!) or

check out online resources (like Fitness Partner) to get a good idea of the

effect your workout is actually having on your calorie balance. Then you

can make adjustments to make sure your workouts help you achieve your


YAY OR NAY? Simply slowing down your eating can speed up your weight


Yay! It may sound like a gimmick, yet it's anything but. A study out of

Japan, published in the British Medical Journal, evaluated the eating

habits of more than 3,000 people over a total of three years. The

conclusion? Those who ate quickly were way more likely to be overweight.

Your body needs time to digest and tell your brain it's feeling full. So

take smaller bites and chew carefully. Enjoy your food -- don't just shovel

it in your face. Drink water in between forkfuls, and set your fork down

while you sip. This will slow down your chewing pace and help you feel full

as well. The result? You'll eat less and take in fewer calories!

More Myth Smashing with Professor HG!

Now that you know the facts, brush up on the fiction...

Carbs cause weight gain.

Water flushes away fat.

Going vegetarian is the key to dropping pounds.

Ban dairy to banish extra pounds.

Check out THE TRUTH about these fallacies.

Salads are always the best option when dining out.

Avoiding the foods you crave will help you lose weight.

The more calories you cut from your daily diet, the more pounds you'll lose.

All wrong, wrong, WRONG. Click and see.

Eating after a certain time of day causes an increase in weight.

As long as something's free of fat or low in carbs, you don't need to worry

about eating too much of it.

Some foods contain "negative calories" which are proven to cause weight


Dieters should choose margarine as an alternative to butter.

All completely FALSE. Click to find out why.

For links please go to:



HG's Happy Hour VitaTops Promo for First 3,000 Only! Get FREE VitaTops


you pre-order two copies of our new cocktail book, Hungry Girl Happy Hour:

75 Recipes for Amazingly Fantastic Guilt-Free Cocktails & Party Foods!

Click NOW for all the details! (Expires 6/23/10. Terms and conditions



Saturday, June 5th, is National Gingerbread Day. What the heck is this

holiday doing in JUNE?! Shouldn't it be in December? We're celebrating with

a more seasonally appropriate treat: cake-flavored ice cream!

Think you know more than your pals? Put 'em to the test! Click "Send to a

Friend" NOW!





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