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Hungry Girl Today: 10.22.08



I am sure you have answered this before, but I'm new to Hungry Girl and
haven't figured out how to search the site yet. How do I know how many
calories I burn in a day? Is it the same for everyone? Where can I get such
information? It would be VERY helpful to me (and, I would think, ANYONE!).


Dear Calorie-Challenged,

Yep, I have covered this before. But it is so important that it's worth
addressing again. This link will take you to a "BMR Calculator". Based on
things like your height, weight, age, and gender, that tool will tell you how
many calories your body would burn if you stayed in bed all day and did no
activity whatsoever. In other words, it tells you how many calories your body
burns per day when it's at rest. That number is your Basal Metabolic Rate,
hence the BMR. If you do more activity than just lying around all day (which
you do, I hope!), your body burns additional calories. So DON'T use your
BMR as the total number of calories you need to eat in a day. Use that info
as a baseline from which to add calories for ALL the activities you do -- even
walking the dog and running errands count! If you are trying to lose weight,
your goal is to burn more calories than you take in. But you should never
deprive yourself of TOO many calories -- that can actually slow down your
BMR and keep you from losing weight. Exercise -- like cardio and weight
training -- can increase your BMR (which is great). If you want to know more
about this topic, consult a doctor or nutrition professional (remember I'm
neither -- I'm just hungry!). Here's the link to that calculator again. Definitely
forward this email to lots of people because, like you said, EVERYONE wants
this info! And check out our "Calorie City" email for LOTS more on this
subject. BTW, if you want to search HG, head to the homepage and enter a
keyword or two into our nifty search bar!

Dear Hungry Girl,

What do you think are the biggest mistakes people make when dieting? Are
there any secrets? I keep losing and gaining the same 20 lbs. Ugh!

Diet Diva

Dear DD,

There are many mistakes people tend to make when dieting. I'm going to list
some of the biggies. And remember, this is just my opinion.

1. Following fad diets. I'm not a fan of fad diets. They don't teach you how to
eat in a way you can live with forever. Anyone can follow a set plan for a
limited time and lose weight. The hard part is maintaining that weight loss in
the long term. If you try to stick with the fad diet's style of eating, you
eventually give up or get bored. If you go back to your old eating habits, you
regain the weight. This is a huge problem and the reason why I don't
recommend fad dieting.

2. Drinking calories. Sheesh! Drinking your calories is a WASTE... really. It's
much more satisfying to chew food than it is to drink stuff. Having a low-
calorie liquid swap is fine -- like treating yourself to one of our Swappuccinos
or a diet hot cocoa when you're craving the real thing. But it's too easy to sip
an extra 300 - 500 calories a day if you drink calorie-packed beverages.
Avoid those and stick with water for the most part.

3. Skipping meals. If you skip meals you'll only end up hungrier and more
likely to eat too much and/or the wrong thing. It's that simple. Eat breakfast.
Eat lunch. And eat dinner!

4. Living in denial. Don't pretend there are no calories in condiments, that a
salad is healthy and diet-friendly no matter what, and that food you eat while
standing (or on an airplane, etc., etc.) doesn't count. It ALL counts!

5. Not reading labels. READ LABELS, people! And read them CAREFULLY.
Take note of serving sizes and servings per package. This is KEY.

There you have it... those are five mistakes that are very common. And no,
there are no real secrets to dieting -- except that you need to find a way to
eat that'll work for you FOREVER. That's the one thing people tend to forget --
the forever factor. Thanks for the email!

For links in this email go to:


HG News You Can Use! Change your eating habits for the better this fall.
Weight Watchers ROCKS and they can help. Click here NOW!

Hey! Today, October 22nd, is National Nut Day. It's a time to celebrate with a
few handfuls of our favorite pistachios, Everybody's Nuts!, or a 100-calorie
pack of almonds from Blue Diamond -- NOT a time to whoop it up with that
weirdo who lives up the street.

Have a question for Hungry Girl? Send it in! She answers two new Qs each
week (but cannot respond to emails personally).

Spread the HG love. Click "send to a friend" NOW!



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